(Ulmus alata)
The Elm Family (Ulmaceae)

Small, fast-growing, deciduous tree with a variable shaped crown; corky, wing-like projections on opposite sides of twigs and branches; reddish brown to gray bark and alternate dark green leaves.


Drier sites, hardwood forests, abandoned fields.

Interesting Facts: 

Native Americans utilized inner bark to treat diarrhea and to ease childbirth; and wove bark fibers into baskets and rope. A larval host for the Question Mark Butterfly. Most common elm in Louisiana. Susceptible to Dutch elm disease.

.5” reddish, winged fruit, “samara,” with a notched end enclosing seed.
Reddish, in branched clusters less than 1” long in early spring before leaves.
Wildlife value: 
Provides cover for birds and other wildlife; especially attractive to nesting birds. Early seeds provide food to birds and squirrels. Deer browse twigs and leaves.
Corky Wings
Leaf type: 
Wildlife value: 
Tree dimensions: 

Leaf length: 1.00-3.00 inches
Tree height: 40.00-90.00 feet

Where to find Winged Elm on the Louisiana State Arboretum Trails:

PAW - Pawpaw Loop Trail 1.0

TER - Walker Terrace 25.0

Refer to our Live Map to locate this species and its interpretative signage on the trail system.